Double column
JS Client

Addons /

List addon restores

Returns a list of restores for the given addon.

Required permission

Project > Addons > General > Read

Path parameters

    • projectId

      string required

      ID of the project

    • addonId

      string required

      ID of the addon

Query parameters

    • per_page


      The number of results to display per request. Maximum of 100 results per page.

    • page


      The page number to access.

    • cursor


      The cursor returned from the previous page of results, used to request the next page.

Response body

  • {object}

    Response object.

    • data

      {object} required

      Result data.

      • restores

        [array] required

        A list of restores for the given addon.

        • {object}

          Data about a restore.

          • id

            string required

            The identifier for the backup.

          • status

            string required

            The current status of the backup.

            one of
            scheduled, in-progress, completed, aborting, aborted, failed, not-supported
          • restoreTimestamp

            string required

            The time the backup was initiated.

          • completedAt


            The time the restore was completed.

          • backupId

            string required

            The identifier for the backup.

    • pagination

      {object} required

      Data about the endpoint pagination.

      • hasNextPage

        boolean required

        Is there another page of results available?

      • cursor


        The cursor to access the next page of results.

      • count

        number required

        The number of results returned by this request.

JS Client

GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/addons/{addonId}/restores

Example response

200 OK

A list of restores for the addon.


  "data": {
    "restores": [
        "id": "668596c647fed81696a8a82c",
        "status": "completed",
        "restoreTimestamp": "2021-01-20T11:19:54.494Z",
        "completedAt": "2021-01-20T11:19:54.494Z",
        "backupId": "example-backup"
  "pagination": {
    "hasNextPage": false,
    "count": 1

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