Jobs /
Get job
Required permission
Project > Jobs > General > Read
Path parameters
string requiredID of the projectjobId
string requiredID of the job
Response body
- {object}Response object.
{object} requiredResult
string requiredIdentifier for the jobappId
string requiredFull identifier used for job deploymentname
string requiredJob namedescription
stringA short description of the jobprojectId
string requiredID of the project that the job belongs tojobType
string requiredType of the job (manual or cron)one ofmanual, croncreatedAt
string requiredThe time the job was created.vcsData
string requiredURL of the repository being builtprojectType
string requiredVCS provider for the repo being builtone ofbitbucket, gitlab, github, self-hosted, azureselfHostedVcsId
stringID of the self-hosted VCS, if applicable.projectBranch
stringBranch of the repo being builtpublicRepo
booleanWhether the repo is being accessed without authentication.dockerWorkDir
string requiredWorking directory used by the dockerfiledockerFilePath
string requiredFile path of the DockerfilebuildConfiguration
[array]An array of path ignore rules. A commit will only be built if a file has been changed that does not match any of the ignore rules. Path ignore rules follow `.gitignore` syntax.- stringA path ignore rule, following `.gitignore` syntax. For example, `*.md` will ignore all files ending with `.md`.max length260
booleanIf `true`, the functionality of `pathIgnoreRules` will be inverted. A commit will only be built if a file has been changed that matches one or more of the rules in `pathIgnoreRules`.ciIgnoreFlagsEnabled
booleanIf `true`, enables commit ignore flags. If a commit message contains one or more of the flags in `ciIgnoreFlags`, that commit will not be built.ciIgnoreFlags
[array]An array of commit ignore flags. If a commit message contains one or more of these flags, that commit will not be built. Defaults to `["[skip ci]", "[ci skip]", "[no ci]", "[skip nf]", "[nf skip]", "[northflank skip]", "[skip northflank]"]`- stringA commit ignore flag.max length72
stringIf your Dockerfile contains multiple build stages, you can specify the target stage by entering its name here.dockerCredentials
[array]- stringThe ID of the docker credentials to use.pattern^[A-Za-z0-9-]+$
booleanInclude .git folder inside the build contextfullGitClone
booleanInclude the entire git history as part of the .git folder. Only relevant if "includeGitFolder" is
integerEphemeral storage per build in MBone of16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288min16384max65536buildEngineConfiguration
stringThe build engine ofbuildpack, kaniko, buildkitbuildpack
{object}Details about Buildpack settings.builder
[array]Array of custom Buildpacks used.- stringUrl or registry identifier of custom Buildpack.
booleanShould build dependencies be cached?buildkit
{object}Details about Buildkit settings.useCache
booleanShould intermediate image layers be cached?useInternalCache
booleanShould use persistent storage to store all layers?internalCacheStorage
booleanStorage size to use for internal cachekaniko
{object}Details about Kaniko settings.useCache
booleanShould intermediate image layers be cached?disabledCI
boolean requiredWhether Continuous Integration is disableddisabledCD
boolean requiredWhether Continuous Deployment is disableddeployment
stringRegion where this job is deployed and builtbuildpack
{object}Details about the Buildpack overrides for this deployment.configType
string requiredType of buildpack run ofdefault, customProcess, customCommand, customEntrypointCustomCommand, originalEntrypointCustomCommandcustomProcess
stringCustom process which should be run.customEntrypoint
stringCustom entrypoint which should be run.customCommand
stringCustom command which should be run.docker
{object}Details about the Docker overrides for this deployment.configType
string requiredOverride configuration which is used at ofdefault, customEntrypoint, customCommand, customEntrypointCustomCommandcustomEntrypoint
stringThe CMD to run instead of the default if entrypoint override is enabled.customCommand
stringThe CMD to run instead of the default if CMD override is
{object}Details about storage settings for this deployment.ephemeralStorage
{object}Details about ephemeral storage settings for this deployment.storageSize
number requiredEphemeral storage per container in MBshmSize
integerConfigures the amount of available memory-backed disk space available to /dev/shmone of64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 5120, 10240, 20480, 30720, 40960, 51200, 61440, 81920, 102400, 122880, 143360min64max61440billing
{object} requireddeploymentPlan
string requiredID of the billing plan used by this jobsuspended
booleanCron specific. Whether or not the job's automatic scheduling is suspendedsettings
{object} requiredJob settingscron
{object}Cron job specific settingsschedule
stringThe cron timer scheduling when to run the job.concurrencyPolicy
stringWhether this job should run when another instance of the job is already ofAllow, Forbid, ReplacebackoffLimit
integer requiredThe number of attempts to rerun a job before it is marked as failed.activeDeadlineSeconds
integer requiredThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, for a job to run before it is marked as failed.min1cluster
{object} requiredCluster informationid
string requiredThe id of the cluster associated with this
string requiredThe name of the cluster associated with this project.namespace
stringNamespace this resource is located within on the cluster.loadBalancers
[array]Load balancer DNS for the cluster.- string
GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/jobs/{jobId}
Example response
200 OK
"data": {
"id": "example-job",
"appId": "/example-user/default-project/example-job",
"name": "Example Job",
"tags": [
"description": "This is the job description",
"projectId": "default-project",
"jobType": "cron",
"createdAt": "2021-01-20T11:19:53.175Z",
"vcsData": {
"projectUrl": "",
"projectType": "github",
"selfHostedVcsId": "example-team/self-hosted-vcs",
"projectBranch": "master",
"publicRepo": false,
"dockerWorkDir": "/",
"dockerFilePath": "/Dockerfile"
"buildConfiguration": {
"pathIgnoreRules": [
"isAllowList": false,
"ciIgnoreFlags": [
"[skip ci]"
"dockerCredentials": [
"storage": {
"ephemeralStorage": {
"storageSize": 16384
"buildEngineConfiguration": {
"buildEngine": "buildpack",
"buildpack": {
"builder": "HEROKU_24",
"buildpackLocators": [
"disabledCI": false,
"disabledCD": false,
"deployment": {
"region": "europe-west",
"buildpack": {
"configType": "default"
"docker": {
"configType": "default"
"storage": {
"ephemeralStorage": {
"storageSize": 1024
"billing": {
"deploymentPlan": "nf-compute-20"
"suspended": false,
"settings": {
"cron": {
"schedule": "30 8 * * *",
"concurrencyPolicy": "Allow"
"backoffLimit": 0,
"activeDeadlineSeconds": 600
"cluster": {
"id": "nf-europe-west",
"name": "nf-europe-west",
"namespace": "ns-8zy2mcjh9zn2",
"loadBalancers": [