Services /
Get service deployment
Required permission
Project > Services > Deployment > View Instances
Path parameters
string requiredID of the projectserviceId
string requiredID of the service
Response body
- {object}Response object.
(multiple options: oneOf) requiredResult data.- {object}Service deploying a Northflank entity
stringRegion where this service is deployed and/or builtinstances
integerNumber of instances/replicas runningdocker
{object}Details about the Docker overrides for this deployment.configType
string requiredOverride configuration which is used at ofdefault, customEntrypoint, customCommand, customEntrypointCustomCommandcustomEntrypoint
stringThe CMD to run instead of the default if entrypoint override is enabled.customCommand
stringThe CMD to run instead of the default if CMD override is enabled.buildpack
{object}Details about the Buildpack overrides for this deployment.configType
string requiredType of buildpack run ofdefault, customProcess, customCommand, customEntrypointCustomCommand, originalEntrypointCustomCommandcustomProcess
stringCustom process which should be run.customEntrypoint
stringCustom entrypoint which should be run.customCommand
stringCustom command which should be
{object}Details about storage settings for this deployment.ephemeralStorage
{object}Details about ephemeral storage settings for this deployment.storageSize
number requiredEphemeral storage per container in MBshmSize
integerConfigures the amount of available memory-backed disk space available to /dev/shmone of64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 5120, 10240, 20480, 30720, 40960, 51200, 61440, 81920, 102400, 122880, 143360min64max61440internal
{object} requiredappId
string requiredFull identifier of deployed entitynfObjectId
string requiredID of deployed entitynfObjectType
string requiredType of deployed entityone ofservicerepository
string requiredURL of the repository being deployedbranch
string requiredBranch of the repo being deployedbuildId
string requiredID of the build currently deployed.buildSHA
string requiredCommit SHA being deployed. `latest` means the latest commit is automatically being deployed.deployedSHA
stringCurrently deployed commit SHA. If buildSHA is set to `latest`, this will show the SHA of the latest commit.- {object}Service deploying an external image
stringRegion where this service is deployed and/or builtinstances
integerNumber of instances/replicas runningdocker
{object}Details about the Docker overrides for this deployment.configType
string requiredOverride configuration which is used at ofdefault, customEntrypoint, customCommand, customEntrypointCustomCommandcustomEntrypoint
stringThe CMD to run instead of the default if entrypoint override is enabled.customCommand
stringThe CMD to run instead of the default if CMD override is enabled.buildpack
{object}Details about the Buildpack overrides for this deployment.configType
string requiredType of buildpack run ofdefault, customProcess, customCommand, customEntrypointCustomCommand, originalEntrypointCustomCommandcustomProcess
stringCustom process which should be run.customEntrypoint
stringCustom entrypoint which should be run.customCommand
stringCustom command which should be
{object}Details about storage settings for this deployment.ephemeralStorage
{object}Details about ephemeral storage settings for this deployment.storageSize
number requiredEphemeral storage per container in MBshmSize
integerConfigures the amount of available memory-backed disk space available to /dev/shmone of64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 5120, 10240, 20480, 30720, 40960, 51200, 61440, 81920, 102400, 122880, 143360min64max61440external
{object} requiredimagePath
string requiredPath of the external image excluding the hostnameregistryProvider
string requiredRegistry provider hosting the external imageone ofdockerhub, gcr, gcr-eu, gcr-us, gitlab, github, customprivateImage
boolean requiredDoes the image require authentication
GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/services/{serviceId}/deployment
Example response
200 OK
"data": {
"region": "europe-west",
"instances": 1,
"docker": {
"configType": "default"
"buildpack": {
"configType": "default"
"storage": {
"ephemeralStorage": {
"storageSize": 1024
"internal": {
"appId": "/example-user/default-project/example-service",
"nfObjectId": "example-service",
"nfObjectType": "service",
"repository": "",
"branch": "master",
"buildId": "incredible-land-3266",
"buildSHA": "latest",
"deployedSHA": "262ed9817b3cad5142fbceabe0c9e371e390d616"
"data": {
"region": "europe-west",
"instances": 1,
"docker": {
"configType": "default"
"buildpack": {
"configType": "default"
"storage": {
"ephemeralStorage": {
"storageSize": 1024
"external": {
"imagePath": "nginx:latest",
"registryProvider": "dockerhub",
"privateImage": false