Double column
JS Client

Services /

Get service deployment

Gets information about the deployment of the given service.

Required permission

Project > Services > Deployment > View Instances

Path parameters

    • projectId

      string required

      ID of the project

    • serviceId

      string required

      ID of the service

Response body

  • {object}

    Response object.

    • data

      (multiple options: oneOf) required

      Result data.

      • {object}

        Service deploying a Northflank entity

        • region


          Region where this service is deployed and/or built

        • instances


          Number of instances/replicas running

        • docker


          Details about the Docker overrides for this deployment.

          • configType

            string required

            Override configuration which is used at runtime.

            one of
            default, customEntrypoint, customCommand, customEntrypointCustomCommand
          • customEntrypoint


            The CMD to run instead of the default if entrypoint override is enabled.

          • customCommand


            The CMD to run instead of the default if CMD override is enabled.

        • buildpack


          Details about the Buildpack overrides for this deployment.

          • configType

            string required

            Type of buildpack run configuration.

            one of
            default, customProcess, customCommand, customEntrypointCustomCommand, originalEntrypointCustomCommand
          • customProcess


            Custom process which should be run.

          • customEntrypoint


            Custom entrypoint which should be run.

          • customCommand


            Custom command which should be run.

        • storage


          Details about storage settings for this deployment.

          • ephemeralStorage


            Details about ephemeral storage settings for this deployment.

            • storageSize

              number required

              Ephemeral storage per container in MB

        • internal

          {object} required
          • appId

            string required

            Full identifier of deployed entity

          • nfObjectId

            string required

            ID of deployed entity

          • nfObjectType

            string required

            Type of deployed entity

            one of
          • repository

            string required

            URL of the repository being deployed

          • branch

            string required

            Branch of the repo being deployed

          • buildId

            string required

            ID of the build currently deployed.

          • buildSHA

            string required

            Commit SHA being deployed. latest means the latest commit is automatically being deployed.

          • deployedSHA


            Currently deployed commit SHA. If buildSHA is set to latest, this will show the SHA of the latest commit.


      • {object}

        Service deploying an external image

        • region


          Region where this service is deployed and/or built

        • instances


          Number of instances/replicas running

        • docker


          Details about the Docker overrides for this deployment.

          • configType

            string required

            Override configuration which is used at runtime.

            one of
            default, customEntrypoint, customCommand, customEntrypointCustomCommand
          • customEntrypoint


            The CMD to run instead of the default if entrypoint override is enabled.

          • customCommand


            The CMD to run instead of the default if CMD override is enabled.

        • buildpack


          Details about the Buildpack overrides for this deployment.

          • configType

            string required

            Type of buildpack run configuration.

            one of
            default, customProcess, customCommand, customEntrypointCustomCommand, originalEntrypointCustomCommand
          • customProcess


            Custom process which should be run.

          • customEntrypoint


            Custom entrypoint which should be run.

          • customCommand


            Custom command which should be run.

        • storage


          Details about storage settings for this deployment.

          • ephemeralStorage


            Details about ephemeral storage settings for this deployment.

            • storageSize

              number required

              Ephemeral storage per container in MB

        • external

          {object} required
          • imagePath

            string required

            Path of the external image excluding the hostname

          • registryProvider

            string required

            Registry provider hosting the external image

            one of
            dockerhub, gcr, gcr-eu, gcr-us, gitlab, github, custom
          • privateImage

            boolean required

            Does the image require authentication

JS Client

GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/services/{serviceId}/deployment

Example response

200 OK

Data about the service deployment.


  "data": {
    "region": "europe-west",
    "instances": 1,
    "docker": {
      "configType": "default"
    "buildpack": {
      "configType": "default"
    "storage": {
      "ephemeralStorage": {
        "storageSize": 1024
    "internal": {
      "appId": "/example-user/default-project/example-service",
      "nfObjectId": "example-service",
      "nfObjectType": "service",
      "repository": "https://github.com/northflank/gatsby-with-northflank",
      "branch": "master",
      "buildId": "incredible-land-3266",
      "buildSHA": "latest",
      "deployedSHA": "262ed9817b3cad5142fbceabe0c9e371e390d616"



  "data": {
    "region": "europe-west",
    "instances": 1,
    "docker": {
      "configType": "default"
    "buildpack": {
      "configType": "default"
    "storage": {
      "ephemeralStorage": {
        "storageSize": 1024
    "external": {
      "imagePath": "nginx:latest",
      "registryProvider": "dockerhub",
      "privateImage": false

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