Cloud Providers /
List integrations
Lists integrations for the authenticated user or team.
Required permission
Account > Cloud > Integrations > Read
Query parameters
integerThe number of results to display per request. Maximum of 100 results per
integerThe page number to access.cursor
stringThe cursor returned from the previous page of results, used to request the next page.
Response body
- {object}Response object.
{object} requiredResult data.integrations
[array] requiredAn array of integrations.- {object}An integration object.
string requiredThe name of the cloud provider integration.min length3max length39pattern^[a-zA-Z]((-|\s)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+((-|\s)[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*)?$description
stringThe description of the integration.max length200pattern^[a-zA-Z0-9.,?\s\\/'"()[\];`%^&*\-_:!]+$provider
string requiredCloud provider to be used for the selected resourceone ofaws, azure, civo, gcp, oci, byokfeatures
[array]- stringThe type of provider ofbyoc, byoc-static-egress, byoc-custom-vpc, cloudfront, self-hosted-registry, route53, self-hosted-logs-metrics, docker-registry-credential
{object}BYOC restrictions configuration for controlling team accessenabled
boolean requiredEnable or disable BYOC restrictions for this entityteams
[array]List of teams that have access to this BYOC cluster- {object}
string requiredThe ID of the team that has access to this BYOC clusteraws
{object}AWS specific data. Required when `provider` is `aws`.authenticationMode
stringThe provider authentication mode to use for this ofaccessKey, crossAccountRolegcp
{object}GCP specific data. Required when `provider` is `gcp`.projectId
string requiredGCP Project IDauthenticationMode
stringThe provider authentication mode to use for this ofaccessKey, crossAccountRoleid
string requiredID of the integrationpattern^[A-Za-z0-9-]+$createdAt
string requiredThe time the integration was created.pagination
{object} requiredData about the endpoint pagination.hasNextPage
boolean requiredIs there another page of results available?cursor
stringThe cursor to access the next page of results.count
number requiredThe number of results returned by this request.
JS Client
GET /v1/cloud-providers/integrations
Example response
200 OK
A list of integrations for the authenticated user
"data": {
"integrations": [
"name": "Example Integration",
"description": "This is a new cloud provider integration.",
"provider": "gcp",
"features": [
"aws": {
"authenticationMode": "accessKey"
"gcp": {
"authenticationMode": "accessKey"
"id": "example-integration",
"createdAt": "2021-01-20T11:19:53.175Z"
"pagination": {
"hasNextPage": false,
"count": 1