Use cases
Database as a Service for MySQL

Managed MySQL

MySQL is a fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use open-source relational database system. Users can interact directly with a MySQL database using SQL, but it is common for users to use MySQL with other programs to implement applications that need relational database capability.

Serverless MySQL cluster

Easily spin up a MySQL cluster and only pay for the resources you consume. Benefit from automatic patching and upgrading of your MySQL clusters. Effortlessly scale replicas and compute when demand requires. Northflank completely automates your database management including logs, metrics, backups and restores in a container based deployment.

As things start to scale, select from a range of plans starting at $2.21 per month.
MySQL versions supported: 8.0.28
Need to deploy on your Kubernetes cluster? Click here.

MySQL on Northflank

Ready for scale

Horizontal and vertical scaling with replicas and increased compute capacity.

Backups and restores

Create, import, and delete backups, as well as restore your database from an existing backup.

Observe and Monitor

Observe your database in real-time with log tailing and performance metrics.

Pause and resume

Pause and restart your running MySQL database at any time enabling experiments and dev databases.

Advanced networking

Secure private network, enable public load-balancing and connect locally with Northflank CLI proxy.

TLS and secure connection

Connect your workloads to MySQL securely with TLS and generated connection details.

MySQL on Northflank dashboard

MySQL use cases

  • eCommerce applications
  • Database-driven web applications

Supported MySQL versions

  • 8.0.28

MySQL Docker Images


Pull MySQL Docker Image locally

docker pull mysql

Connect to MySQL locally with Northflank CLI

sudo northflank forward addon --projectId --addonId

MySQL Ports


Using MySQL client to connect to remote MySQL instance

mysql --host=hostname --user=user --password=password database

Platform Teams

Northflank makes it easier for infrastructure and platform teams to focus on levelling up the developer experience for their teams building great apps.

Common MySQL questions among developers and platform teams:

How to securely connect to a MySQL database from developer workstations?
You can access a MySQL database from your machine using the Northflank CLI. To forward a specific database or storage: sudo northflank forward addon --projectId [project-name] --addonId [addon-name] You can now access the database or storage locally.
How to set up an external connection outside of the cluster?
When creating an addon, under Networking you can choose “Publicly accessible”. Once the addon is created, you can make the addon publicly accessible from the Settings page. If “Publicly accessible” is selected, your addon will be given a public URL and will be accessible from the internet.
How to provision SSL and TLS for a database?
When creating an addon, under Networking you can choose “Deploy with TLS”. Once the addon is created, you can provision SSL and TLS from the Settings page by choosing “Deploy with TLS”. If “Deploy with TLS” is selected, a Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate will be provisioned for your addon, allowing secure communication between the addon and your services/jobs within this project.
How to scale a MySQL deployment with more replicas or resources?
When creating an addon, under resources you can choose the compute plan (memory and virtual CPU), storage and replicas. Once the addon is created, under resources you will always be able to change these to adapt to your needs.
How to backup a MySQL cluster?
On the backups page you can create, import, and delete backups of your MySQL cluster.
How to restore a MySQL cluster?
You can restore your database from an existing backup from the backups page. This page will display a list of backups and each entry will have a Restore button you can use to restore from that selected backup. The backup will be scheduled and executed shortly.
How to import from another MySQL cluster?
You can import a backup from multiple sources: URL, file upload, and connection string. When importing from a URL or file upload, Northflank will treat it as clear text, unless the file ends in.gz, then Northflank will attempt to unzip it. When importing from a connection string, it should contain the relevant credentials and parameters. Northflank will create a dump from the source database which you can then restore from.
How to fork a MySQL cluster?
To fork a MySQL cluster, you can create a backup of an existing MySQL addon from the backups page and create a new addon using this backup.

MySQL on Kubernetes with Northflank

Deploying MySQL onto Kubernetes can be difficult to bootstrap, operate and scale. Your current options may involve manually rolling MySQL Helm charts, YAML, statefulsets, replicasets, services, persistent volumes, ingress, Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPAs), Pod Disruption Budgets (PDBs), prometheus metrics, certificates and logging.

Northflank offers a comprehensive stateful workload solution. Run a highly scalable and performant MySQL database in your AWS, GCP and Azure accounts using Kubernetes and Northflank’s platform.

MySQL DBaaS or MySQL in your cloud

Automate your MySQL hosting and management using a real-time UI and developer friendly CLI & API. Deploy, monitor, backup, and scale with Northflank cloud or on your cloud account.