Cloud Providers /
Use other cloud providers with Northflank
You can bring your own cloud to use all the features of the Northflank platform on other cloud hosting providers.
Connect your account with Northflank to create and manage Kubernetes clusters in your own cloud account, and gain complete control of your infrastructure, data storage, security, and auditing.
You will use your existing billing relationship with your cloud provider for all resources consumed by your clusters. See cloud provider billing for more information.
Integrate your cloud account and a deploy cluster
After creating an integration with your chosen cloud provider you can deploy clusters into your cloud account.
You can create integrations with the following providers:
Integrate your Google account
Integrate your Amazon account
Integrate your Azure account
Integrate your Civo account
Integrate your Oracle account
Configure your cluster
Configure your cluster to handle builds and deployments according to your requirements.
Select your cluster's build infrastructure
Build on your cluster, on Northflank's managed cloud, or choose a separate build cluster.
Manage your request modifiers
You can tune the minimum resources requested by pods deployed to your cluster to balance performance and node usage.
Retain cluster volumes
Choose to keep volumes and volume backups when you delete a cluster.
Create custom resource plans
Create custom plans for your team to deploy workloads and build code on your own clusters.
Deploy and scale node pools
Deploy and scale node pools of different node types in as many availability zones as you require and configure scheduling rules and autoscaling to optimise node usage.
Deploy node pools
Configure and deploy node pools on a Kubernetes cluster with Northflank.
Scale node pools
Set your node count manually, or configure autoscaling to manage demand and optimise costs.
Create node pools with spot instances
Use spot instances to reduce costs for non-critical workloads.
Schedule workloads to specific node pools
Allow or disallow different types of workloads from being scheduled on a node pool.
Deploy workloads to your cluster
Let Northflank automatically assign workloads to node pools with capacity, or use affinity rules to deploy workloads to specific node pools to projects deployed in your cluster.
Configure node pools to use spot instances to reduce cost, or deploy across multiple availability zones for high availability.
Deploy workloads to your cluster
Deploy services, jobs, and addons to your own cluster, and configure workloads to schedule on specific node pools.
Deploy workloads to GPUs
Deploy workloads to spot instances
Tag workloads to deploy them to spot instances.
Deploy workloads with high availability
Schedule a resource with zonal redundancy for high availability applications.
Monitor and manage your cluster
Monitor your cluster's usage, health, and deployed workloads.
Manage your Kubernetes cluster
Manage your clusters on other cloud providers using Northflank.
Observe your Kubernetes cluster
Monitor your Kubernetes clusters, node pools, and nodes on other cloud providers using Northflank.
Cordon and drain nodes
Cordon and drain node pools to manage and migrate workloads.
Cloud provider billing
Monitor your spend for using Northflank in your own cloud provider accounts.