
Getting Started /

Link your Git account

Northflank integrates with Git version control services (VCS) such as GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket in order to build and deploy code from your repositories.

You will be prompted to link a Git account when you create a user or team account, and if your account no longer has access to any Git provider. You can also manage Git integrations in your account settings.

Teams can also link self-hosted instances of GitLab, as well as multiple accounts for GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

Click here to link a Git account.
The Git integration page in the Northflank application

GitHub integrates with Northflank through the GitHub app ecosystem.

When you connect your GitHub account you will be redirected to GitHub's login and application installation page.

Link your GitHub account

  1. Navigate to the Git integration page in your Northflank account settings
  2. Click Link GitHub
  3. Select the team or organisation you want to link
Installing Northflank in GitHub
  1. Choose the repositories that you wish to build and deploy on Northflank, or grant access to all the repositories on the account
Authorising Northflank in GitHub

You will now be redirected back to Northflank and you should see your GitHub account name on the entry for GitHub. You can now begin building and deploying code from your GitHub repositories.

The GitHub app will automatically send Northflank webhooks for events on your repositories which means commits to your monitored branches and pull requests can be built instantly.

You can unlink GitHub from your Northflank account, which will stop Northflank from building any future commits to your repositories. To completely remove Northflank from your GitHub account you must uninstall the Northflank app from your GitHub settings.

Working on a team account

You can link your organisation's GitHub account or a personal GitHub account to your Northflank team. Anyone with permissions to create services or jobs will have access to select the organisation's GitHub repositories, as well as repositories linked from their personal accounts.

When removing GitHub from the team, you can either unlink or uninstall the Northflank app.

You can connect your GitLab account with Northflank via OAuth. When you connect your GitLab account you will be redirected to GitLab to complete the verification steps. All repositories your GitLab account has access to, including repositories that you do not own, are accessible with the connection.

Link your GitLab account

  1. Navigate to the Git integration page in your Northflank account settings
  2. Click Link GitLab
Authorising Northflank in GitLab

You will now be redirected back to Northflank and you should see your GitLab account name on the entry for GitLab. If you are linking your GitLab to a team you will be prompted to select whether to restrict access to certain namespaces.

You can now begin building and deploying code from your GitLab repositories.

To completely remove Northflank from your GitLab account, go to GitLab settings - applications and revoke the Northflank application's access.

To remove GitLab from the team, you can either remove or uninstall the Northflank app.

You can connect your Bitbucket account with Northflank via OAuth. When you connect your Bitbucket account you will be redirected to Bitbucket to complete the verification steps. All repositories your Bitbucket account has access to, including repositories that you do not own, are accessible with the connection.

  1. Navigate to the Git integration page in your Northflank account settings
  2. Click Link Bitbucket
Authorising Northflank on Bitbucket

You will now be redirected back to Northflank and you should see your Bitbucket account name on the entry for Bitbucket. If you are linking your Bitbucket to a team you will be prompted to select whether to restrict access to certain namespaces.

To completely remove Northflank from your Bitbucket account, go to Bitbucket settings - app authorizations and revoke the Northflank application's access.

Set team namespaces

On team accounts you may need to restrict access to certain namespaces on your linked Git accounts.

GitHub account restrictions are managed on GitHub by selecting which account/organisation to install the Northflank GitHub app on, and then granting access to specific repositories on that account.

Your linked GitLab and Bitbucket accounts can be restricted to certain namespaces by opening the settings on the respective entry. Select restricted and pick the contexts you want your team members to access. Remove a namespace from the list to revoke access. The namespaces available to your team will be displayed on the git integrations page in the section for the relevant service. Remove a namespace from the list in the selected account to revoke access.

New namespaces can be created in your Gitlab and Bitbucket accounts by creating new projects.

Restrict self-hosted VCS access

You can restrict access to the repositories in your self-hosted VCS by selecting specific owners within the self-hosted VCS's settings. Team members will be able to build and run from repositories belonging to the selected namespaces, if your account has access to them.

Unrestricted access means team members will be able to create services and jobs from every repository that the linked account can access.

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