Observe /
See builds
You can find a list of builds on combined and build services, and jobs that deploy from a repository. The overview for your service will display the latest builds, and you can navigate to the builds page for a full history of builds.
Each listed build includes information including the branch, commit hash, and duration of the build, as well as buttons to start a new build, abort a build in progress, or deploy a specific build (in a combined service or job).
When a build is successful it is pushed to the Northflank container registry, ready to be deployed. The new build will be automatically deployed to any linked services with CD configured.
You can click through on each build to view live detailed logs and metrics.
You can also build the image again and pull the image from the Northflank container registry from the individual build view.

Build statuses
Pending: the build is queued to start
Starting: the build process is starting
Cloning: the repository is being cloned
Building: the build is in progress
Uploading: the build was successful, and the image is being uploaded to Northflank
Successful: the build was completed, and the image is available on Northflank
Aborted: the build was cancelled by the user
Failed: the build could not be completed
Next steps
View logs
View detailed, real-time logs from builds, deployments, and more.
View metrics
View detailed, real-time metrics from builds, deployments, and more.
Configure health checks
Monitor the uptime and success of your deployed services and builds to ensure your code runs correctly and is always available.
Increase CPU and memory
Power-up your services by adding memory and moving from shared to dedicated CPU usage.
Build from a Git repository
Start building from your linked Git repositories in minutes.
Pull an image from Northflank
Pull images built on Northflank locally, or use built images as the base image in your Dockerfile.