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Migrate your RabbitMQ deployment to Northflank

You can import your existing RabbitMQ instance's definitions to Northflank, so you can begin running your RabbitMQ instance on Northflank with the same configuration.

You should first create a Northflank RabbitMQ addon to import to, and connect to it with your preferred administration tool. If you require your Northflank deployment to remain private you can forward it to your local machine and use the non-external endpoints and commands to connect.


The user you use to import and export from RabbitMQ instances should have the administrator tag tag (enabled by the management plugin).

Your RabbitMQ instances require the RabbitMQ management plugin to be enabled, this is enabled by default for your Northflank addon.

Import definitions using the RabbitMQ web interface

You can export and import definitions using the RabbitMQ web interface (MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINT in your Northflank addon's connection details page).

The RabbitMQ management web interface showing definition export and import

Export definitions

From the overview page expand the export definitions section. You can use the generated file name, or enter your own. Choose to export definitions for all virtual hosts, or export definitions from a specific virtual host and click download broker definitions to save the .json file.

Import definitions

From the overview page expand the import definitions section. Select the .json file containing your definitions, and specify which virtual host to export the definitions to, or all, and click upload broker definitions.

You can now publish and consume messages using the same configuration as your existing RabbitMQ service, using the endpoints for the Northflank addon.

Import definitions using the CLI

You can use the rabbitmqadmin command-line tool to export and import definitions for your RabbitMQ instances, you must install RabbitMQ locally to use rabbitmqadmin commands.

Export definitions

You can export your current RabbitMQ instance's definitions (users, vhosts, queues, exchanges, bindings, runtime parameters) using the following command:


This will export your current definitions to a file in your working directory (or to a specified path). You may need to use other options in your command, such as -s if your RabbitMQ instance requires TLS to connect.

Import definitions

You can import your definitions to your Northflank addon using the following command, with the definitions file in the working directory or by providing the full path. The necessary parameters can be found on your addon's connection details page.

rabbitmqadmin --host=<NORTHFLANK_RABBITMQ_HOST> --port=<NORTHFLANK_RABBITMQ_HOST> -s -u <ADMIN_USERNAME> -p <ADMIN_PASSWORD> import_definitions <FILE_PATH>/<FILE_NAME>.json

You can now publish and consume messages using the same configuration as your existing RabbitMQ service, using the endpoints for the Northflank addon.

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