
Infrastructure as Code /

GitOps on Northflank

GitOps on Northflank allows you to manage infrastructure, run releases, update deployments, and automate complex tasks using JSON files in a Git repository.

You can store templates and release flows in JSON files in the same repository as your code, or in separate repositories.

If run automatically when updated is also enabled you can run releases, scale up deployments, run backups, and manage almost anything else on Northflank simply by pushing a commit to a Git repository.

Enable GitOps

You can use GitOps with Northflank templates and release flows.

Enable GitOps from the settings page to begin syncing your release flow or template with a Git repository.

Release flow and template files can be stored in the same directory as your codebase, or you can store them in separate infrastructure repositories.

You can store multiple files in a single repository, and you can either manage your templates from separate repositories, or include them in the same repository as the application you want to deploy and manage on Northflank.

Northflank must have access to the repository to be able to create and update templates in it. If the repository is not accessible, navigate to Git integrations in your Northflank account and edit the installation for the Git account to enable access.


It is recommended, but not required, that you save templates with the .json file extension, so your IDE knows how to handle the file.

Save a new infrastructure file in a repository

You can create an infrastructure file in the Northflank application and save it to a repository and branch of your choice. Select the repository and branch, and enter the path (relative to the repository root) you want to save the file to.

Click fetch to check the template does not already exist, and continue editing your template. When you save, Northflank will create the file in your repository, and link it with the template or release flow in the Northflank application.

Use an existing infrastructure file

You can use a template or release flow that already exists in a Git repository on Northflank. Select the repository and branch that contains the file you want to use in the GitOps section.

Enter the path to your file (relative to the repository root, e.g. /my-template.json or /release-flows/development-release-flow.json) and click fetch to retrieve the existing template or release flow.

Northflank will load the file into the editor, and the file in the repository will be linked with the template or release flow in the Northflank application.

Use GitOps

Any changes you make to a release flow or template with GitOps enabled in the Northflank application will be pushed to your linked repository on the configured branch on save.

Likewise, any commit pushed to the linked branch in your repository will update the template or release flow in Northflank.


If you have configured your template or release flow to run on change, your modified template or release flow will run as soon as it's updated. Make sure your changes are as intended before saving or pushing to the repository, especially if the template affects your production environment.

Run a template on change

You can enable run automatically when the template is updated so that any changes to the template pushed to your repository will trigger a run of the template. You may want to configure your template's concurrency settings, so that multiple updates in a short time period are handled as desired.

Run a release flow on change

You can run a release flow when changes are pushed to your repository, by configuring Git triggers.

You can configure Git triggers to run a release only on commits to specific branches or pull requests with branch and pull request rules. You can also only run a release flow when either specific files or directories are changed, or ignore certain files or directories so releases are not triggered by, for example, documentation files.

You can also add commit message ignore flags, so that releases will not be triggered when commits with certain strings are pushed to your repository.

GitOps security

In order to use GitOps securely with release flows and templates you should avoid including any sensitive data in the file committed to the repository, even if it is private.


You can save secrets for a template as argument overrides in the template settings.

These arguments will be securely stored on the Northflank platform so you can save any sensitive information, or information you do not want to include in the template, as argument overrides. They can then be used in your template by referring to them using the format ${args.argumentName}, replacing argumentName with the key saved in argument overrides.

Git repository access

Your Git credentials are securely stored on the Northflank platform, and can be used by referring to the Git service (projectType) and the username for your Git account (accountLogin) in the vcsData object.

    "vcsData": {
      "projectUrl": "https://github.com/account/repository",
      "projectType": "github",
      "projectBranch": "main",
      "accountLogin": "username"


Your credentials for external container registries are securely stored on the Northflank platform, and can be used by referring to the ID for the appropriate credential (credentials) in the external object.

      "external": {
        "imagePath": "username/image:tag",
        "credentials": "credential-ID"

Remove a GitOps integration

You can remove the integration with your infrastructure file by disabling GitOps for the template or release flow in the Northflank application.

This will leave the file in your repository, but changes pushed to the file in your repository will no longer update the relevant release flow or template on Northflank. Similarly, changes made on Northflank will not be pushed to the file in your repository.


It is not recommended that you delete the file from the repository before disabling GitOps, as your file will become inaccessible on Northflank.

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