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Tag workloads and resources

You can use tags to keep track of workloads and resources across your Northflank account. You can create tags to suit any kind of metadata you need for a project or across your organisation.

For example, you could create tags for:

  • Workload languages or environments (node, PHP 8.1, alpine)
  • Project structure (frontend, backend, job)
  • Organisational information (Team X, Client Y)

Tags can help you identify resources at a glance, and all resources sharing a tag will be visible from the tag overview. You can apply tags to services, jobs, addons, and secrets.

You can also use tags to control where your workloads are deployed if you're using Northflank on your own cloud account.

Click here to view your account tags page.
Resources with the same tag in the Northflank application

Create a tag

You can create a tag by navigating to your account dashboard in the Northflank application and opening the Tags page.

Click Create tag and enter a name, description (optional), and choose a colour for the tag. Create tag to save your new tag and begin applying it to resources. If you're working in a team account, tags will be visible and available to the rest of your team across all projects.

If you are using your own cloud account on Northflank you will also be able to expand advanced resource settings to configure node pool deployment preferences.

Add a tag to a workload or resource

You can tag workloads from either the resource list, or in the resource itself. From the list of resources you can hover next to a resource's name, to bring up the tag button . Alternatively click through to a resource to find the tag button Add tags in the header. Resources with tags already present will show the existing tags in the resource overview, or the tag button in the resource list.

Hover over the button to reveal the tag menu and select the tags you want to assign to the resource, then click save.

The tag menu for a service in the Northflank application

Manage tags

View tagged resources

Tags are visible from resource overview lists and in the resource itself. You can also view a list of resources associated with the tag by opening the tags page in your account.

Edit a tag

Select a tag from the tags page and open the tag's settings to change the tag's description and colour.

If you are using your own cloud account you can also edit the tag's advanced resource settings.

Remove a tag

You can remove a tag from a resource the same way as it was added, from the tag menu in the resource list or overview. Simply deselect the tag and save.

Delete a tag

Deleting a tag will remove it from all resources that were tagged with it.

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